Are you still annoyed by having no one fashionable signature for your name?
Don’t worry! We have designed Signature Art HD, which is a stylish, fantastic and fashionable signature app, for you with our utmost care. Wherein, there are as many as 50 kinds of signature fonts built in it for you to choose freely. Thus, you can choose any font style if you like. What’s more, with this app, you can adjust the angle of your signature, add underline to your signature and you also can adjust the height of the underline. All in all, you can customize and design your signature based on what you like.
Why hesitate? Come and download it by yourself!
1 Support almost 50 kinds of font styles
2 Provide more than 10 kinds of underline styles
3 Adjust the angle of the signature
4 Adjust the height of the underline
5 Share to face book and Twitter
6 Save as PNG transparent image
7 Support designing signature styles randomly (if you are not satisfied with the style designed randomly, you also can DIY one.)
8 Support the change of font size and font color